Ramadan Mubarak
I'm taking a break in my catch up pictures to say Ramadan Mubarak to all. Ramadan started on September 23rd (last Saturday). So far it's been great, alhamdulillah. Mariam kind of understands what's going on because we don't eat from her when she offers food to us, and we explain that we have to wait until sunset. Her comment is 'oh. Mama no eat...Maya eat' This is a little picture of her when she insisted that she wear this blue scarf - she calls it her scarf and for awhile was inseparable from it. Here she is telling us all Ramadan Mubarak:
A wonderful visit
While we were in Saudi we had a wonderful visit from Tata Ebtesam (Tata Sam) and Gido Mostafa (Dido Tufa). It was wonderful seeing them and Mariam (as well as all of us) had a great time with them.
Here is Mariooma with Tata Ebtesam and Gido Mostafa:
Mariam sitting happily with Gido.
Giving Tata Ebtesam a hug:
Gido reading to Mariam. She brought him all her books and asked him to read them for her.
Going out and about
We went out and about to various places while we were in Saudi. Here's Mariam and Na-na on their way out somewhere. Mariam loved going out with Na-na.
Doing a little workout on the treadmill. "Gotta workout you know - you think it's easy looking this good?"
Breakfast at the dining hall with Na-na and Randa - an all time favorite. "gimme the camera - I want to take some pictures"
Another favorite hangout - On Gido's (dido) shoulders :).
In Saudi
We visited Saudi the last two weeks of July and had a blast, alhamdulillah. Here is a picture the morning after we got there at the meridien where we went for breakfast. Na-na, Gido, Randa and Mariam.
Hanging out with Gido on their favorite sofa.
Hanging out with Gido on the front seat while waiting for the rest of us to come out.
Mama and Na-na.
One busy day
The 8th of July was a busy day for Miss Mariam. We travelled to the airport to see Tunt Rasha and her friend, then at night we went to a wedding.
Here she is on her way to the airport in her cool shades (gasses as she calls them)

Here we are with Tunt Rasha - we saw her for only 30minutes but it was great seeing her.
At the wedding, Mariam's eating cheese - she kept wanting to get up and dance (dan) even though no one else was. We had to dance with her aruond the table to keep her happy.
The dress was annoying her most of the night :).
Going to 'school' (daycare)
When Mariam goes to 'school' (as she calls it) - her hands can never be empty. She has to take everything she may need for that day. This was a lighter than normal day when she only took her purse (shunta) and her snacks. Apparently she carries the shunta around with her all day and refuses to put it down at daycare.
This day in particular she refused to leave the house without her 'shub' (isharb or headscarf). Normally she'll put it on as she gets ready and then I manage to convince her to take it off before we leave. But not this day, this day she insisted on having it on when she left and she freaked out when she felt it slipping off. It was very amusing to watch. I managed to leave it in the car when we went to daycare :).
This day was one of the funnier days. The picture's a bit foggy because it was really humid that day and my camera lens kept misting up. This day she wanted her 'orange aqua', her crayons, her pink blanket (pink blanit), and her yellow balloon (yewo boon). She refused to let me help her carry any of it.
Cutie :)
Childrens Museum
Mariam loves the childrens museum (who doesn't?). She loves all of it now, but she mainly appreciated the tot spot when she was younger.
Hanging out at the tot spot:
Picasso at work:
She was very serious about her art work :)
4th of July at the Mendoza's
We went to Noha, Marco and Mariam's house for the 4th of July. Here's a picture of the cuties hanging out.
3rd of July
Hanging out happy in the afternoon eating some chips on the kitchen floor:
Then night fell upon us and the fireworks started. Mariam was not a happy camper - she was terrified of the sound of the fireworks, sat on her bed and refused to take her hands off her face.
Poor baby:
Visiting Cousin Keemo
We went to visit cousing Keemo, Khalo Mohammed and Tunt Maha Labor day weekend and had a blast - these are just two pictures from the first hour we were there. Will continue to add pics as time permits.
Sitting on the doorstep from backyard into kitchen - giving herself a foot massage after the long journey :)
Keemo hanging out in the backyard wondering who the heck these people are and why they're here disrupting his peace - especially the little girl called Mariam who came with them :)